Posted on January 30, 2020

Global Headquarters Construction Update

Ally Pulskamp
Written by

Ally Pulskamp

Posted in

Brennan HeadquartersBrennan's corporate headquarters continues to grow and make great progress. In early December, Phase one of the project was completed. Phase one consisted of a new addition being constructed on to the existing building. Employees have comfortably been able to move in to the new completed half of the building. Phase 1 also included and expansion of the warehouse which opened up in December with new equipment arriving on-site.

Phase 2 of the project has begun which is the renovation the old half the the building. This remodel will consist of: 7 new offices, 8 cube offices, a mothers room, a new quality control office, an office huddle space, a new warehouse break room/bathroom and a 50 person training room. The building is on track to be completed by April 2020.

"This project is a sign of just how much Brennan has grown over the years, and as we look to the future we anticipate this new facility will give us the resources we need to see continued growth in the years to come." -David M. Carr, President CEO

Photo Credit: Bowen and Associates


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